3 Most Common Injuries Sustained by Student Athletes

As an athlete, many are unsure when they need to visit the doctor after they have sustained an injury. Often, they do not want to admit they have been hurt to avoid having to take time away from their sport. However, untreated injuries could result in permanent removal from their activity if they are not handled in a timely manner. Here are a few common injuries to look out for as a healthcare professional.

Sprains and Fractures

Sprain and fractures are among the most common injuries student athletes sustain. Oftentimes, these injuries occur because of high-intensity training or at sporting events. Though sprains and fractures are related injuries, there are a few differences.


A sprain, by definition, is a tear or overstretch of a ligament or ligaments that hold bones in place at the joints. If the sprain is mild, or if you are unsure of the severity of the sprain, rest, ice, compression, and elevation (R.I.C.E.) are the recommended steps to take when treating this injury. However, if symptoms do not subside, you may have a severe sprain which would require a doctor’s visit, and possible casting or surgery may be needed.


A fracture is a break in the bone. When someone suffers a bone break, some things to look for are any deformities at the injury site, or if the injury is in the lower extremities, difficulty walking is also a sign of a fracture. A visit to the doctor for X-rays will then be necessary, at which point the doctor will then make the appropriate diagnosis and casting.


Cuts can occur at any time or place but are very common among athletes, especially those who are in extreme contact sports. Common areas where these injuries happen are usually around the joints or the face. Many times it is unknown whether stitches are needed or not. Long or deep cuts usually require stitches, especially when bleeding continues for minutes after applying pressure. It is also advisable that you visit a cosmetic surgeon if you have experienced a large laceration on the face to avoid any unwanted scarring.  


Concussions are not always diagnosed correctly due to misinformation when it comes to identifying the signs. Some argue that concussions occur if someone faints or loses consciousness; however, this is a common misconception. Some symptoms to look out for if you are unsure if you or someone you know has suffered a concussion are:

  • Headache
  • Loss of concentration
  • Dizziness
  • Glassy eyes
  • Difficulty answering questions

A person who has suffered a concussion should not return to any physical activity for at least four weeks, or until they have received clearance from a doctor.

Athletes put their bodies through hyper-strenuous activities and are highly prone to many types of injuries that require professional assistance and care. Sometimes, having the right nurse or healthcare professional to work with these athletes makes all the difference for athletes who suffer injuries such as these. At Ardor Health Solutions, we specialize in job placements in a wide variety of healthcare professions and locations. Contact us to find the right job for you!